Potty Training

Most puppies are too young to be held responsible for their bladder and bowel habits. A pup will go to the bathroom in the right place sometimes. That may be because she learns fast and is smart, or it may be an accident that was just lucky. It is your job to create opportunities for your pup to be successful and to go in the correct place, outside.

Remember these things!

  • Always take your puppy out FIRST thing in the morning, before you do anything. Your puppy will need to go out as soon as it hears you are up!
  • Use a timer or a clock, set it at 30 minutes, and take your puppy out each time the bell rings. As she gets older, you can increase the time. You only need to stay outside with her for a few minutes. Then take her out again every 30 minutes.
  • Learn to read her body language. When a puppy starts circling or sniffing around, pick her up and take her outside FAST.
    Always take your puppy out FIRST thing after eating a meal.
  • NEVER leave your pup unattended in the house or even a room at a young age. A dog should not be left alone in a house until they are at least one year old. Make sure they have been well-behaved and trustworthy with their bathroom habits first.
  • When you can’t watch her, put your puppy in the yard, a pen, or a crate with some toys. But don’t forget about her and don’t leave her out there too long!
  • Give your puppy her last meal about 1-2 hours before bedtime, and make sure she goes outside to relieve herself just before she goes to bed. DO NOT let her roam free during the night. She should be confined.
  • Never yell at your dog or push her nose in her messes.
  • She is very young. Puppies, like children, learn at different rates. Don’t ask too much of her. Give her every opportunity to be successful.
  • Be sure to clean up the areas in the house where your dog has already messed in. Use something that will take away any odor that is there. Dogs will mess again in the same location if they can smell it.

Crate Training

Many people prefer to housebreak their dogs using a method called ‘crate training’. They put their dog in a special dog crate (cage) during the night and when they are away from home for short periods of time.  Dogs will usually not mess in small areas because it feels like a cave or home to them. Then, when the people come home or wake up, they let their dog out into the yard.  Crate training is a good way to help your dog become housebroken. Dogs like their crates and feel a sense of security in their own space.

For more information Crates and Crate Training , click on “Crate info’ .

Bell Training

We use “Bell training” to housebreak our puppies. If you are interested in learning about this method, we will be happy to share it with you.  It is a very effective and easy method and we have had wonderful success with this method of housebreaking. Our adult dogs still use this method to get our attention!

We like Poochie Bells which you can find at Poochie-pets.net.